Latest Letters to the Editor


A simple thanks to those who helped in a time of need

Dear Editor, We have often heard, “God only gives you what you can handle.” With no gripes, it ...


Locals respond to actions of Senator Wicker

We were shocked and appalled by Senator Roger Wicker’s vote against President Trump‘s emergency declaration to secure our ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks to the Picayune officer who saved the day

A little over a month ago on Monday, October 29th my wife and I were         ...

Letters to the Editor

Additional thoughts on power rates

By Jeff Dow Picayune This is in regard to the article of Saturday, Dec. 2nd. 2017, front page ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Thank you to the gentleman that returned my wallet

I grew up in Picayune, lived here all my life until I moved away for college in 2001. ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Positives from Mississippi Power’s construction of Kemper

Dear Editor: I’ll bet there are some people reading this letter who lived part of their lives with ...

Letters Feature

Looking for police officer to protect and serve

Wanted: Individual to work swing shifts, work during emergencies and listen to excuses and lies the public tell ...

Letters Feature

Letter to the Editor: Picayune beautification efforts

Some citizens of north Picayune have been volunteering to improve the look of our city.  Lolita and Jim ...

Letters Feature

What is the problem with healthcare?

Donald Trump ran on the promise to “repeal and replace .” And he seems to be ok with ...

Letters Feature

Cutting costs

Electricity, it does so many things that help make our daily lives better. What would we do without ...

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