Another Internet hoax to be wary of
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, July 11, 2017
There’s a hacker out in the realm of Facebook, or at least that’s the message I received Monday morning from a friend on my list.
The warning stated that this notorious Facebook user wants access to my account and everyone else’s on the social media website.
In fact, as the message goes, if for some reason this person sends me a friend request, and I approve it, this master of all hackers will soon have access to every account on my friends list.
Since I have discovered the message allegedly alerting me to a potential security breach is a hoax, I won’t list the name of the alleged user allegedly out to gain access to everyone’s account.
He’s already gotten enough negative attention for something he didn’t even do.
If you want a laugh, do a search of this incident on the Internet, the Sacramento Bee has reported this individual is making light of the situation.
In getting back to the message, in reality it’s just a variation of other hoaxes sent out before, and not only through social media.
According to one of my favorite websites,, different versions of this hoax have been passed through emails, private messages and even text messages.
While this instance is a hoax, it’s still a good idea to be cautious when someone you don’t know contacts you via social media, email or any other correspondence.
It’s not a bad thing to be alerted to a hoax, as opposed to falling victim to a real hacker.
If for some reason you receive a message, see a post or read something on a website you think might not be truthful, I suggest researching the matter on the Internet through trusted sources.
Doing so will clear up the tons of misinformation spread by what could be considered man’s greatest invention, the Internet.