Let’s give Trump a chance

Published 7:00 am Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday, the United States of America moved into a new administration with the inauguration of Donald Trump.

This also means the end of a Democratic controlled administration and the beginning of a Republican one.

During his inauguration speech, he made a number of promises I hope he can keep.

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But if any of the past presidents are any indication, he probably won’t be able to. Each time a new president occupies the Oval Office, a number of promises are made, but few are kept.

Many of Trump’s promises will be increasingly difficult to bring to fruition.

One such promise will be to serve the best interest of the public, instead of the those of what he called “the elite.” 

The thing is, while he’s not a politician, he is one of the elite, and so are a number of his cabinet picks.

To be honest, I like the fact that he’s not a career politician. And while he is coarse at times, his stance on the need for job creation and retention and catering to the interest of the public over that of politicians is refreshing.

As for the deficit and the budget, it’s my hope that he can use his background in business to bring the deficit down, cut costs where they need to be cut, while retaining public services.

I’m optimistic he will not only be able to keep more of his promises than previous presidents, but that his administration will be able to make positive changes.

At the same time, there are some concerns. His ties with Russia are disconcerting.

His hot temper needs to be cooled if he is to keep the peace with other nations. And most of all, he will need to learn to work with people who have differing opinions.

No matter what you may think of our new president, we have four years of Trump in front of us.

Let’s give Trump a chance.