Country before politics
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, November 4, 2014
If ever there was a time to place country before politics, it is now at the mid-term election this Tuesday. It gives us one more opportunity to vote for the salvation of our country and our traditional way of life. Regardless of what your politics your ideology, your race or personal considerations may be, vote to reverse some of the damage done over the past decade.
Agriculture and industry must have some relief from the restrictive regulations which have come down from Washington over the past 6 years. While we may never attain the 4-5% unemployment level again due to globalization and internally created problems, we certainly can show dramatic improvement over the record of the past few years.
While I have not been a particular fan of Thad Cochran, it is imperative that Mississippi retain the seat he now holds. This election is going to be very close as a result of the large cash outlays by both parties.
Should Mississippi lose Cochran’s seat to a liberal, Harry Reid could remain leader of the senate with his obstructionist tactics and we’ve seen that nothing gets passed except more taxes, a bad immigration reform bill and more taxes. Should Democrats maintain control of the Senate we can expect to see one and possibly two seats on the Supreme Court be replaced by super liberals which will rubber stamp contested legislation which may have nothing to do with whether or not it complies with our constitution.
The campaigns ads have been confusing not to mention misleading. I understand that four billion dollars are being spent on campaigns around the country. It is not always easy to filter the wheat from the chaff but we must try. If you are uninformed, put forth some effort to change that. Most of this media blitz was in the form of negative ads with very little devoted to the issues that are important. You can and should research the positions on the important issues held by the candidates and how these positions relate to the problems facing our country.
What ever you do don’t forfeit your right to go to the polls and vote on Tuesday. Vote Country first and politics last.
By Paul Ingram