Meet our new reporter
Published 4:08 pm Thursday, July 17, 2014
My name is Cassandra Favre and I’m the newest reporter here at the Picayune Item.
I’m excited to be here to deliver your daily dose of the news.
Today, I’m going to share with you a little bit about me and my personal experiences.
I was born and raised in Bay St. Louis, which qualifies me as a certified “Bay Rat.”
I attended Bay High School and graduated in 2001.
My college career began soon after at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, where I majored in English and minored in history. I have held many jobs since graduating college in May of 2005. I worked as a paralegal for a short time and taught pre-school for about four years.
As much as I loved teaching young children, there always seemed to be something missing; a lurking in the back of my mind that I wanted to do and experience more of life.
That’s when the Sea Coast Echo appeared in my life. I began my career in journalism there about a year ago and loved every minute of it.
Journalism is an exciting job full of surprises, wonderful people and stories that definitely leave impressions on the heart.
I am a newlywed, having tied the knot in November of last year to Jerrith Pekinto of Waveland.
Jerrith is a chef at the Pass Christian Yacht Club, which is great for me considering I lack most culinary skills.
We were married at the 100 Men D.B.A. Hall in Bay St. Louis.
The Hall is an authentic blues joint built in the early 1900s and now hosts concerts and serves as a wonderful reminder of bluesy days gone by.
Of course, we honeymooned in Disney World where I coaxed the groom into wearing the Mickey top hat ears. He was a good sport.
I’m excited to be here at the Item and get to know all of you in Pearl River County.
I look forward to meeting new people, writing about their lives and then sharing their story with you.