EPA limits not good
Published 7:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2014
In his letter in the June 27th Item Mr. Pierre Iriquois states that the illegal EPA regulation limiting carbon dioxide emissions from power plants is a good sign.
It is a bad thing and has no basis in law. President
Obama failed to get his Cap and Trade legislation through congress so he, as in so many instances, just ordered the EPA to issue the Regulation.
Without arguing the merits of Mr. Iriquois’s opinion, I believe that the power plant management should mount massive lawsuits against the EPA and encourage the Attorneys General in the affected states to do likewise.
They should refuse to shut down the power plants and also refuse to pay any fines imposed by this unelected bureaucracy, even to the point of being arrested and jailed. (They’ll be out after 2016.)
The rationale for this is that the regulations are not enforceable as long as litigation is ongoing.
Should the administration shut down power plants by force, I suppose that Federal Marshals would be the first choice; however, they would not be able to do the job.
The next option would be the Military and I have 2 words for such an attempt: “Kent State”.
Space does not permit a refutation of the misconception that CO2 is a pollutant or causes global warming.
However, if not for CO2, this planet would be a barren wasteland.
The remainder of Mr. Iriquois’s letter addresses animal belching, flatulence, and excretion, which is a different subject.
Finally, I have no objection to people paying twice the price for “organically” grown food.
Leroy Gilbert
Carriere, MS