City Council Approves 2024-2025 Budget with Employee Raises and Tax Cut Proposal

Published 5:43 pm Monday, September 16, 2024

On Thursday, the City Council approved the 2024-2025 budget, including a 3% raise for city employees, level funding for all departments, and preserving healthcare benefits. All council members were present for the vote. The budget also featured a proposal by Councilman Albritton to reduce the millage rate by 1.9 million compared to last year. This reduction would provide a $225,000 tax cut for residents.

The budget passed with the support of most council members, Lynn Bumpers was absent from the meeting, and Councilman Frank Ford cast the lone dissenting vote. Ford explained his decision, stating that he had requested additional information about the budget but did not receive it in time. Ford said he couldn’t vote on the budget without the necessary details.

Despite the disagreement, the budget’s approval signals the council’s commitment to increasing employee compensation and maintaining essential services while offering some tax relief to residents.

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