Picayune City Council Approves New Projects and Recognizes Community Contributions

Published 2:04 pm Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Picayune City Council met on June 18, with all council members present. Mayor Jim Luke acknowledged the fire department for its efforts in managing a large fire in the downtown district along the east canal. Fire Chief Pat Weaver reported that the heat of the blaze was intense enough to melt fire cans.

The council noted Governor Tate Reeves’ proclamation for the July 4th holiday. The proclamation highlights the historic significance of Independence Day. It authorizes the closing of state offices on July 4, 2024, with executive officers having the option to close state offices on July 5, 2024.

The council approved a contract with the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District (SMPDD) for participation in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) youth program. This program involves Youth Service Workers and aims to enhance employment opportunities for young people.

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The city will contract with Mississippi Power to install and maintain five new acorn lights and light poles at the library, replacing the old lights currently in place.

The council approved activating the I-59 Frontage Road Project, which recently received $3.4 million in funding. While all members voted to start the project, Councilmembers Frank Ford and Anna Turnage preferred beginning at the north end. Councilman Larry Breland suggested following the engineers’ recommendations. Additionally, the council approved applying for the 2025 Gulf Coast Restoration Fund (GCRF) for this project, with a request of $5 million and a required 20% match from the city, amounting to $1.25 million.

At the end of the meeting, the council recognized Clyde Dease from the Lower Pearl River Valley Foundation. Mayor Jim Luke thanked Dease for his contributions to Picayune and Pearl River County. Dease expressed his gratitude, stating, “I really appreciate the award from Mayor Luke and the city. One of the most important things is how the people you live and work with appreciate you. This award signifies that my friends and colleagues in the city value my work and commitment, motivating me to strive even harder for the city’s betterment.”