Angels Among Us
Published 9:56 am Thursday, May 26, 2022
By Erlene Smith
The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalm 34:7 (KJV)
The Bible contains many examples of angels being involved in the lives of God’s people. They were sent by God to protect, encourage, deliver from danger, deliver messages, and minister to God’s people. When Daniel refused to honor King Darius instead of God, Daniel was thrown into a den of lions. After spending the night in the den of lions, his answer to King Darius the next morning was, “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me…” (Daniel 6:22a) Again, when Daniel was praying to God and confessing his sins, God sent the angel Gabriel to give Daniel skill and understanding that strengthened him. (Daniel 9:21).
In Acts chapter 12 we read about the angel of the Lord delivering Peter who was in chains, from a jail guarded by many jailers. The angel guided Peter through the city until they came to the outside gate which opened of its own accord to let Peter go on his way. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her that she was highly favored by God because God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus, the Messiah.
Angels ministered to Jesus during His temptations and strengthened Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Hebrews 1:14 we read, “Are they not all ministering, spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of Salvation?” God does not leave us alone in the world to face trouble and dangers. He sends angels among us to help us in our hours of need.
We may not be able to see them, but we should be aware that they are present and that they see and know the trials we face. In Psalm 91:11, we have a wonderful promise: “For He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
Prayer: Thank You Lord, for sending angels to help your people. You are a great and mighty God and we praise your holy name!