Poplarville’s City Park remains closed as parking lot improvements progress
Published 7:00 am Thursday, May 7, 2020
Poplarville’s City Park will continue to be closed for several weeks as the city’s public works department finishes striping and adding concrete bumpers to the newly repaved parking lot.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Poplarville Board of Aldermen approved a payment of $57,666 to Huey P. Stockstill, LLC for paving the City Park parking lot. The number of spaces was reduced by four to keep the project in budget, said Jason Lamb with The Walker Associates. However, the contractor did quality work, said Lamb. The only payment left for the project will be the retention.
Mayor Rossie Creel said he’s received questions about when the park will reopen. Creel said public works department employees are still completing the striping and waiting for materials to install the concrete bumpers in front of the parking places to prevent people from driving in the grass. It will be several weeks before the park reopens, said Creel.
A plan to dissolve the city’s municipal election commission is being postponed. The Board was considering doing away with the municipal election commission and entering an agreement to have the county’s election commission run municipal elections. However, the city needs to hold a municipal election later in the year for the Mississippi Power franchise fee. City attorney Manya Bryan recommended the Board postpone the plan because there is not time to accomplish the change before the election. Bryan recommended revisiting the matter before next year’s general election.
In other business the Board:
—Approved a payment of $47,850 to ABC Utility Company, Inc. for the relocation of water lines on West Beers Street.
—Approved a payment of $960 to CEI Concrete Services LLC for curb replacement on West Beers Street. The damage was caused by TL Wallace Construction Company, which will reimburse the city and has already been billed for the expenses.
—Approved hiring Nik Hines as a part time firefighter after entering executive session to discuss personnel matters in the fire department.
—Appointed Bobby Nestle to the planning commission.
—Declared a 2015 Dodge Charger within the police department’s fleet as surplus because the car was totaled during a pursuit on April 21.
The next Board meeting will be Tuesday May 19, at 5 p.m.