Toys for Tykes run for Angel Tree Ministires
Published 7:00 am Thursday, December 1, 2016
The third annual Toys for Tykes run is scheduled for Saturday starting at Friendship Park in Picayune.
George Dussor, Gulf Coast Chapter president of the Confederation of Leathernecks, said the group will be riding to City Hall to raise money for Angel Tree Ministries.
The Leathernecks is a motorcycle group of active and retired U.S. Marines and Navy corpsmen who hold fundraising events throughout the year for veterans organizations like the United Service Organization or other charities, Dussor said.
After the ride to City Hall, they will raise the U.S. flag and sing the national anthem while donations are collected.
Afterward, the public is invited to attend a “big throw down,” at the American Legion Hall, located at 2500 Union School Road, that will offer food and entertainment, Dussor said.
Wolf River band will perform for the third year in a row, Glen Gilmore, a volunteer of the event, said. “They’re good old county boys, but they play what we like to hear.”
Participants are asked to bring one new and unwrapped toy for a boy or girl as their entry fee to the event, Dussor said.
The group took over the event three years ago after previous organizers had to step away, previous coverage states.
“It makes it special for me because I love kids…it makes you feel good,” Dussor said.
Each year, the group raised about $1,000 to donate to Angel Tree Ministries, an organization that provides toys to children whose parents are incarcerated, Dussor said.
“I can’t think of a better cause than what Mrs. Jane does. She helps everybody that’s pointed to her,” Gilmore said. “If there’s a need in this community, and they show up or call her, she does her best to take care of all the children.”
Gilmore said last year over 100 riders participated and that number is expected to grow.
“It’s in their heart, they just go do it,” Gilmore said. “I’m blessed, we have a lot of people that give.”
Coffee and donuts will be provided before the ride begins at 11 a.m., Gilmore said. If the rain is too heavy, the group will ride straight to the American Legion Hall from the park.
For more information about the run, call Lee at 601-273-6219, George at 985-264-4135 or Glen at 601-798-9540.