Don’t count your chickens

Published 7:00 am Friday, November 6, 2015

My mom, as parents do, always gives me advice.
One of my favorite pieces and most used is, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
I’ve always taken this to mean that nothing is ever final until an event or action actually happens.
For instance, in this profession, stories are not always set in stone. One day I may set out to write a certain story, but sometimes, either due to unreturned phone calls or unforeseeable circumstances, the story falls through and I have to search for a backup. In this instance, her advice has helped me a lot.
In the past, when I’ve sent out resumes or expected a big life change, I don’t make plans or celebrate until I know the final outcome is certain.
It’s easy to say you want a car or a house loan, but until the credit checks and paperwork are final, there’s no guarantee you will get the things you want.
For me, the relief and happiness I feel when something does come to fruition, such as a completed interview for a story or the successful financing of a car, is better than constantly worrying about the situation or completing unnecessary work, which is just a waste of time.
Sometimes I still like to dream and make plans based on the unknown, but I know it will only end in heartache.
It’s always good to enter a competition, new job or new life experience with confidence, but we can’t always expect to win, move quickly up the corporate ladder or purchase the home of our dreams all at once.
There are things in this life worth waiting and working hard for. Don’t be disappointed if life is not working out the way you thought it would, there’s still so much to be thankful for and enjoy.

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