Gift boxes for children
Published 7:00 am Friday, November 28, 2014
Cathryn Parker said the funds to purchase the items for the gift boxes came from her own pocket.
Items stuffed into the boxes included toys, craft supplies, personal hygiene products, candy and age appropriate toys.
Parker is a member of St. Barnabus Anglican Church and has been donating these gifts to Christian Care Ministries for the past three years, said Fr. Jonathan Filkins.
“It’s what the Lord wanted me to do,” Parker said.
She said the boxes are part of a home missions project conducted by St. Barnabus Anglican Church.
The gifts will be distributed by the staff at Christian Care Ministries to children of disadvantaged families.
Filkins said his church supports Christian Care Ministries and Manna Ministries with monetary and physical donations such as food and clothing through the generosity of the church’s members.
Christian Care Ministries Manager Janet Teague said Parker and her gift boxes just appeared on their doorstep one year and she has been bringing them ever since.
“We just love it when she comes to bring the boxes,” Teague said.
Teague said it is a joy to see the children’s faces light up when they open the boxes and see what’s inside.