Journaling is often therapeutic
Published 7:00 am Friday, May 16, 2014
It’s a good habit to start writing things down.
Though I don’t mean by keeping a list. Or jotting things down before they slip your mind.
It’s healthy practice to write things down (not to help you remember them, but to help you forget) so that you can let them go.
Journaling is an important part of clarifying your thoughts and feelings. When going through hard times, sometimes we may feel that by holding on to certain memories or ideas, we will maintain control of them, but often, that inability to let go is the very thing holding us back. Usually our feelings about these types of things are pretty clouded and we end up acting based on our instincts, and not in the most reasonable manner.
Not to say our instincts can’t be trusted, but sometimes it helps if they’re reasoned with.
So, with your weapon of choice, whether it’s a Word Document on your computer or a simple pen and paper, get to work sorting out those things you’ve been hung up on.
No editing. Be honest with yourself about the circumstances and how you feel. Once you get used to it, it’s amazing how clear things become.
Writing can be a good exercise for releasing emotions and reducing stress.
By writing routinely, you’ll likely begin learning the little nuances in your behavior and your feelings and reactions. You’ll start to understand what makes you happy and confident.
Writing about misunderstandings may help you see things from other viewpoints and possibly bring about a sensible resolution to conflict.
A fundamental asset to successful journaling is remembering not to tailor your words to fit any preconceived ideas of what it should be. Just be you. Write the same way you think to yourself.
And if you like, throw it all away when you’re done. It may just help, and it would certainly be in the spirit of letting things go.