Picayune City Council meets Tuesday
Published 3:07 am Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Picayune CityCouncil meets at 5 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall, 815 N. Beech St.
Included on the agenda are:
Consider the agenda.
Consider the docket.
Consider request by Picayune NJROTC for a parade Saturday, Nov. 14, to honor veterans.
Consider old business:
— Request from Rovertus Reed for a lot reduction at 705 Third St.
— Request from Artie Fletcher for preliminary and final plat to subdivide 301 N. Jackson Ave.
— Request to appoint members to the Election Commission.
Consider new business:
— Request for alternate signatory official.
— Request to approve citywide organizational chart.
— Request to accept donations for the Adopt-A-Flowerbed program.
— Request to authorize Amber Hinton and/or Priscilla Daniel and/or Mayor Ed Pinero to sign for MDOT purposes and remove any other signers.
— Mayor’s signature on construction contract for Beech Street force main project.
— Request for Pearl River County Library System to apply for state bond funds for new roof at Crosby Memorial Library with city administering funds.
— MDOT airport multi-model grant project to install generator.
— Request for $118,768.90 to MDA for Katrina Supplemental CDBG community revialization grant project.
— Request for $202,562.38 to MDA for Katrina Supplemental CDBG community revialization grant project.
— Advertise for bids for Palestine Road project.
— Conge order for CDBG downtown revitalization project.
— Ordinance to amend ordinance concerning establishment of Planning Commission.
— Request to hold public hearing to declare 11 properties as public nuisances.
— Change order for storm shuttering project.
Miscellaneous council members’ business.
Mayor’s update.
Citizens’ concerns.
Consider going into executive session on a personnel matter, on a contractual matter with Bulldog Construction and on possible litigation on East Canal Street.