Health & Fitness

Covenant Health and Rehab named Facility of the Year

Thursday, staff members at Covenant Health and Rehab in Picayune held a celebration to acknowledge being named Covenant ...

Health & Fitness

Highland Hospital receives grant to promote breast feeding

Mississippi ranks last when it comes to not only the initiation of breastfeeding but also the continuation of ...

Health & Fitness

Local clinic recognized for level of care

Last month, Children’s International Medical Group’s Picayune Pediatric Clinic earned Exemplary Provider Accredited Status honors. The Compliance Team ...

Health & Fitness

Sharing Info: Local doctor to travel to Thailand to relay medical techniques

On Feb. 16, neonatal, pediatric and adult cardiovascular ultrasound practitioner Dr. War Vichayanond of Picayune will present “Echo ...

Health & Fitness

AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation donates $180,000

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adult Mississippians. To address the problem and help educate ...

Health & Fitness

Sav-A-Life still seeking funds

  In order to better serve pregnant women in the area, Sav-A-Life of the Pearl River Area is ...

Health & Fitness

City greets newest arrival Jan. 1

After the fireworks subsided and the rain started pouring outside of Highland Community Hospital, the first baby of ...

Health & Fitness

Hospital staff await first PRC baby born in 2016

Janelle Imhoff, maternal child director at Highland Community Hospital, who helps ensure infants and their mothers remain healthy ...

Health & Fitness

Monitoring helps lower rate of preterm births in Miss.

Health officials in Mississippi are working hard to reduce the number of premature births, which is the leading ...

Health & Fitness

Group gets grant to reduce heart disease cases in Pearl River County

In an effort to further reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Pearl River County, the Lower Pearl ...

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