There is help for victims of domestic violence
Published 7:00 am Saturday, February 27, 2016
Friday, the Item reported on an alleged domestic dispute between a girlfriend and her boyfriend.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s website defines domestic violence as a relationship where an abusive partner does inappropriate things to have more and control over their partners.
Often, those involved in abusive relationships either ignore the signs or are unfamiliar with the behaviors exhibited by abusive people.
The website lists a number of red flags for friends and family members to look for if they believe their loved one is the victim of domestic abuse. They include the partner being jealous of friends and time spent away from them, discouraging a person from seeing family and friends, embarrassing and shaming a person, controlling the money and preventing a person from making their own decisions.
Wednesday’s incident
involved a weapon, but there are many other ways a person can inflict harm upon others.
Before it gets to that point, the victim in an abusive relationship should seek help once they realize they are in one.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline has trained advocates who are ready to listen, in a confidential manner, and provide resources and information.
According to the website, the hotline is also available for concerned friends, family, co-workers and others seeking guidance on how to help someone they know.
If you or anyone you know is the victim of abuse, we urge you to contact the hotline.
The trained advocates can provide helpful answers, when others can’t.
The number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233 and 1-800-787-3224.