Poplarville golf cart ordinance being formed
Published 4:15 pm Thursday, June 9, 2022
During Tuesday’s Poplarville Board of Aldermen meeting, members of the Board were presented with a proposed golf cart ordinance.
The proposed ordinance is expected to be reviewed and finalized by the next meeting where the Board will consider adopting it.
City Attorney Gregory P. Holcomb led the discussion, touching on specific topics.
Some of the regulations outlined in the proposed ordinance include the fact that the carts will only be allowed on public roads with speed limits of 25 miles per hour or less. The carts will not be allowed to be operated on sidewalks and will be unable to travel across any public road or street in which the Mayor or Board see as unsafe. If necessary, or if certain streets become too congested, the Board reserves the right to remove specific streets from the ordinance, even streets with a qualifying speed limit. The Board will adopt a map with the help of city engineer Jason Lamb for the Board’s and public’s information.
The hours of golf cart operations are still being considered, but the Board is open to any time usage.
One exception entails in school zones one hour before the opening and one hour before the students being released from Poplarville schools. Restricting use near school district campuses will prevent golf carts from interfering with school traffic.
There was also discussion of trying to keep golf carts off Main Street during peak business hours of Monday- Friday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. The section of Main Street being considered in that regard are from the intersection of West Larkin I Smith Drive and North Main Street to the intersection of West Church Street and South Main Street.
Golf cart operators can cross Main Street in those areas, but will not be allowed to drive on Main Street. When there are multiple lanes, golf carts and low speed vehicles must be operated on the right most lane.
Operators of golf carts can be issued a DUI citation or arrested if the operator is determined to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The owners of golf cats will be required to register it with the city of Poplarville if they want to use it on city streets.
The Board is still in the process of developing registration fees and time periods for having that vehicle inspected. Every vehicle shall be equipped with illumination and/or reflective material on the right and left sides of the vehicle as an effort to increase its visibility at night.
“I think those are some good amendments y’all came up with,” said Holcomb.
The proposed ordinances are on file for public review before a hearing will be held in the next two weeks. If needed, further changes will be made before or during the Board’s next meeting on June 21 at 5 p.m.