Mirrors, mirrors, on the wall
Published 12:40 pm Saturday, February 26, 2022
By Ronnie Michel
Of the many mirrors on my wall, which one did I like best of all?
That’s easy. It’s the full length one that should have also had a sticker: “Warning: Objects in mirror are larger than they appear.” A slight bow in the center of the mirror caused me to look slimmer. Oh, how I loved the lie that mirror told.
That’s not the only time I’ve had a distorted view of myself. I’ve sometimes defined myself by the mistakes I’ve made in the past. Or I’ve looked to others whom I’ve thought of as more successful and walked away with a dim view of my life. Equally as deceptive is to compare myself to those who choices have been less than stellar, then suffer from an inflated ego. When I want to get an accurate view of myself, I don’t look to the world, but to the Word to determine who I am.
According to God’s Word, I am His workmanship, created in His own image, fearfully and wonderfully made. That’s just the beginning. As a Christian, I am a member of His household, a fellow citizen with God’s people, an heir of God, and His treasured possession. He orders my steps, makes me more than a conqueror, gives me hope for the future, and has promised to never leave or forsake me.
I’m probably not the only person to suffer from mistaken identity. Should you find someone searching for answers, or even using you as their mirror, cast a gentle, true reflection as you point them to Jesus.
Ronny can be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.