Guy announces candidacy for Picayune mayor
Published 10:54 am Monday, April 12, 2021
Special to the Item
My Name is Leavern Guy and I want to be your Mayor and here’s why.
I have 24 years of city government experience. This includes computer operator for the city of Picayune and 20 plus years as City Councilman/Mayor Protemp. I worked with some of the most progressive minded people i.e. Mayor Greg Mitchell, Mayor Woody Spiers, Barbara McGrew, previous council members, Kay Johnson and others. I mentioned this because despite our differences, we had one common goal and that was what was best for the city of Picayune.
A foundation has been laid for the continuity of ideas through the use of a comprehensive plan (administrations should use it or upgrade it) new administrations should not have to reinvent the wheel every four years.
I understand the importance of our downtown area, however it is not the economic engine that fuels our city nor is overlaying streets (every election year) and ignoring the infrastructure problems should be our only economic development plan. We cannot continue to take a band aid approach to resolving infrastructure issue i.e. Eastside, Westside, Telly Road waterlines and other areas.
Over the past few years, the millage has gone up by 13.8 mills and your utility bill increased almost $40 per month and there is still no investment in a long term solution for these problems. Hopefully the recently announced stimulus money can be seed money to address long term solutions and not follow the traditional band aid approach.
No administration should take 10 months to make a decision on whether or not to grant a tax abatement to a business that has proven its commitment to the city and then blame it on someone else. This is not leadership. This city needs real leadership.
Here’s a few reason why I should be your Mayor:
1. Revise the comprehensive plan to allow the integration of smart growth principles.
2. Establish a capital improvement program to schedule and prioritize city infrastructure repairs and hold the Pearl River County Utility Authority accountable for areas in the city limits that need upgrades. A large percentage of the Utility Authority’s revenue is generated from Picayune residents.
3. Upgrade the study for an overpass over the train tracks.
4. Develop a continual and progressive relationship with the Stennis Economic Development team.
5. Revise and/or establish an Economic Development Council made up of progressive thinking business owners, Realtors and young people with fresh ideas. A good idea; is a good idea; it doesn’t matter if you are Democrat or Republican, Black or white; young or older.
6. Build one or more swimming pools in communities to enhance our recreational commitments to our children.
7. Look for other revenue sources. Increasing millage should not be the only idea to raise revenue.
8. It is very essential that the city manager, mayor and council members obtain the knowledge of expenditures and where the city revenues come from.
9. Expand economic development zones i.e. widening Memorial Boulevard and cosmetically improving the Nicholson exit and continue the improvement of the north Picayune exit.
10. The airport runway is currently 5,000 feet long, plans should be in the works to expand it to 7000 feet to accommodate larger planes. This property consists of approximately 128 acres.
11. Take a more professional and direct approach to locating new businesses and keeping our current businesses here.
Think big Picayune, we can do better.