Today is March 23, 2021

Published 9:48 am Tuesday, March 23, 2021

American Diabetes Association Diabetes Alert Day® is on March 23, 2021! Observed annually on the fourth Tuesday in March, Diabetes Alert Day is a one-day “wake-up call” that focuses on the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of understanding your risk. We encourage you to find out if you—or someone you love—is at risk for type 2 diabetes by taking this quick and simple Diabetes Risk Test.

Did You Know?

  • Diabetes affects about 34.2 million Americans or about 10.5 percent of the U.S. population.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 adults living with diabetes, or 7.3 million Americans, are unaware that they have the disease.
  • Approximately 88 million people aged 18 years or older have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
  • More than 84 percent of people living with prediabetes don’t know they have it.
  • About 50 percent of women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that women develop when they are pregnant.

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Zesty Turkey Burgers with Mushrooms


1 pound lean ground turkey
¼ cup chopped onions
1 tablespoon mango chutney
6 mushrooms, slices
Pepper to taste
Dijon mustard, optional


  1. Mix together turkey, onions, chutney and pepper. Form 4 patties.
  2. Cook in a non-stick skillet 4 to 5 minutes on 1 side. Add sliced mushrooms and cook 4 to 5 minutes on other side.
  3. Serve on bun spread lightly with Dijon mustard


Lower Calorie Cheesecake


nonstick cooking spray
¼ cup fat-free milk
1¼ cups low fat graham cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons margarine
3 teaspoons vanilla
24 ounces fat-free cream cheese, softened
3 eggs
1 cup Splenda


  1. Spray 9 inch springform pan lightly with cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350º.
  2. Melt margarine. In bowl combine crumbs and margarine. Press into bottom of springform pan. Bake until lightly browned, about 7 minutes.
  3. Reduce oven heat to 325º. Beat cream cheese until creamy. Gradually beat in Splenda; then milk; then flour and vanilla. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each.
  4. Pour into crust, bake until set, 50-60 minutes. Refrigerate until well chilled.

For more diabetic friendly recipes visit


Cuddly Kitten Day

Many cat owners are fascinated by their feline friends. Cats can be quirky, and their behavior often amuses their owners.

But there is more to cats than their quirky personalities. The following are some interesting facts about felines, courtesy of Animal Planet.

  • Much like humans can be righthanded or lefthanded, cats can favor their right paw or left paw. Cats can even be ambidextrous.
  • Cats spend roughly one-third of their waking hours cleaning themselves. In fact, cats’ tongues are so strong that they can lick animal bone clean.
  • A single litter of kittens can produce multiple “father” cats.
  • Selkirk cats are known for their distinctive curly coats. But Selkirk cats slowly lose their natural-born curly coats in the months after their births. The coat begins to grow again when Selkirk cats reach eight months of age.
  • While cats are partial to litter boxes, their skill sets enable them to learn how to use toilets.
  • Though cats might not have the skill set to operate blow driers, 25 percent of cat owners use driers to dry their cats’ coats after bathing.
  • Kittens may be adorable and cuddly, but their teeth are most sharp at this stage of their life. Upon reaching six months of age, cats lose their needle-sharp milk teeth.
  • Once they reach one week old, cats start to dream while sleeping.
  • Cats don’t just close their eyes because they’re tired. In fact, many cats close their eyes when they’re happy or pleased.
  • Cats’ pregnancies last just nine weeks.
  • Cats can jump up to five times their own heights.
  • While not all cats with blue eyes are deaf, many cats with blue eyes cannot hear. That said, many kittens are born with blue eyes, only to have their eye color change with age.
  • Cats have a naturally strong aversion to all things citrus.
  • Cats of the opposite sex tend to make better housemates than cats of the same sex.
  • Cats can become addicted to tuna, potentially resulting in a vitamin E deficiency.
  • The majority of cats do not have eyelashes.
  • Cats tend to have 12 whiskers on each side of their face.

More fascinating facts about felines can be found at


National Puppy Day

very day a family welcomes a pet into their home. According to Greger Larson, director of the University of Oxford’s palaeogenomic and bi-archaeology research network, dogs, without a doubt, were the first domestic animal. While researchers know they were tamed and used for work, little is known about when dogs moved from primarily providing utility to being pets.

Pet industry statistics and data from the ASPCA indicate there are now roughly 78 million dogs living as pets in households across the United States. The Canadian Pet Outlook Market says Canada is home to roughly six million pet dogs.

While researchers continue on their quest to determine just how and when canines transitioned from being beasts of burdens to best friends, dog lovers can do their share to keep their pets safe and happy.

  • Begin with training. One of the best things a pet owner can do for the well-being of a his or her dog is to ensure that it receives proper training from a young age. According to VetWest Animal Hospital experts, statistics show that owners who have pets that behave get more satisfaction and have stronger bonds with their pets. A dog that responds to basic commands can stay out of danger, and knowing what he is supposed to do can help the dog feel less stressed.
  • Socialize the pet. Learning how to respond to other dogs and people is an important aspect of canine life. If the pet is to get along with other dogs, it needs to have high exposure to other animals every day and in various scenarios. Socialization can begin as soon as a puppy is immunized and able to venture out with others.
  • Spay or neuter the dog. Various animal health experts attest to the benefits of having dogs spayed and neutered. These can include limiting aggression, reducing the need to roam and helping to prevent fights with other animals. Also, spaying and neutering helps keep animal numbers under control.
  • Keep licensing up to date. Licensing will keep dogs registered in the area and help have current contact information available. Pet owners often license and microchip their pets to ensure safety all around.
  • Exercise the pet. Dogs need daily exercise to maintain healthy body weights and keep them from fits of boredom. A dog that is not properly exercised may engage in destructive behavior around the house to unleash its pent-up energy.

Love and affection are also needed for healthy pets, but pampering should not come at the expense of training and obedience.

Did you know that the United States does not have an official language? The Constitution does not specify one, nor is there a law which mandates the country to speak English; most Americans have accepted it as their “mother tongue,” but adapting it in a very un-British way.
Take the distinctly American “okay,” which started out as an abbreviation: “OK.” It was common in the mid-19th century for younger, educated men and women to deliberately misspell words for amusement. For example, the slang for “all correct” became “oll korrect” or OK—and was sopped up in the American lexicon when the editor of the March 23, 1839 edition of the Boston Morning Post, tagged it “OK” to denote that the copy was “all correct” or– “oll korrect.”
Other newspapers replicated the abbreviation; it diffused all over the world and morphedinto “the most frequently spoken word on the planet.”
The Grateful American Book Prize recommends OK: The Improbable Story of America’s Greatest Word, by Allan Metcalf.