Injured Army Veteran Receives Mortgage-Free Smart Home from Tunnel to Towers

Published 2:04 pm Thursday, June 27, 2024

On Wednesday, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation delivered a mortgage-free smart home to injured Army veteran Sergeant James “Carl” Sampson, his wife Kelly, and their son Brody. Retired FDNY Battalion Chief and Tunnel to Towers Foundation Board member John Carroll led the event and presented the home to the Sampsons.

Mayor Jim Luke, Councilwoman Anna Turnage, Councilwoman Jan Stevens, Councilman Frank Ford, Supervisor Donald Hart, Police Chief Joe Quave, Fire Chief Pat Weaver, and City Manager Harvey Miller attended the ceremony.

During the ceremony, Kelly shared a story about her husband keeping his military awards and accolades in a box labeled “junk” because he thought no one cared about them. Kelly made a point to remind Carl that many people appreciate his service and the sacrifices he and his family have made. She took a picture of the box to show him as a reminder.

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Carl acknowledged Kelly’s support and stated that he now understands people care about his contributions.

The Simpsons were members and donors of Tunnel to Towers for many years before being selected to receive this home. Tunnel to Towers builds or refurbishes around 40 homes annually for injured veterans who could benefit from a smart home. They also help pay off mortgages for retired service members.

Kelly mentioned that they chose to live in Picayune due to its proximity to family and supportive community. She noted that her favorite feature of the home is the Tunnel to Towers-branded pillows in every room.

The home includes various smart home features, such as appliances that raise and lower to assist Carl in his wheelchair and a smart home system that allows the family to control appliances and lights in every room from their smartphones.

This project took over two years to complete and was fully funded by the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, with no financial burden placed on the family.