The Blood Center needs donors NOW
Published 3:15 pm Thursday, March 24, 2022
New Orleans – The Blood Center (TBC) currently has a one-day supply of blood available for area hospitals. Tuesday’s weather caused several blood drive cancellations and very low participation at donor center locations. Low donor turnout is impacting TBC’s ability to meet regional patient demands.
Dr. Tim Peterson, Medical Director for The Blood Center says, “an adequate blood supply is essential in meeting the transfusion therapy needs of citizens throughout the Southern Louisiana and Mississippi region.” TBC needs to maintain a three-to-four-day supply of blood to maintain a healthy and stable blood supply.
“It is imperative that the community is responsive to replenishing the regional blood supply. Please donate blood today!!” adds Billy Weales, President & CEO for The Blood Center.
The Blood Center operates six donor centers across Southeast Louisiana and Mississippi. Donors can call (800) 86-BLOOD or visit for center locations and hours.
To maintain a healthy and stable community blood supply, The Blood Center must collect between 200 to 250 pints of blood every day. Donating blood is safe, simple and takes less than an hour. Just one pint can help save up to three lives.
About 60% of the population is eligible to donate blood, but only 5% do. Donors must be in good health, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be at least 17 years of age (or 130 pounds and 16 with a signed TBC parental consent form) to donate blood.
The Blood Center is a non-profit community service organization dedicated to providing blood and blood components to patients throughout Southern Louisiana and Southern Mississippi. For more information on blood donation, please call (800) 86-BLOOD or visit Find The Blood Center on social media at @TheBloodCenter.