Aldermen purchase new police cruiser
Published 7:00 am Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Poplarville Board of Aldermen authorized the purchase of a new 2019 Dodge Charger police cruiser for $26,036.
The cost will be split between the general fund from the 2018-2019 budget and the Poplarville Police Department’s drug forfeiture fund. Alderman Kevin Tillman said he voted against purchasing the because he does not want to purchase any new police cruisers until dash cams are installed in all current police vehicles and each officer is equipped with a body camera, Tillman said.
Currently there are active dash cams in three of the city’s police cruisers, said Mayor Rossie Creel. The department is planning to purchase ten new dash cams, Creel said. Every officer, including the police chief, is currently equipped with a body camera, Creel said. The body cameras are outdated and will need to be updated in the future, Creel said.
The Board approved hiring part-time police officers Chandler Richardson, Joshua Stockstill and Michael Lee Hickey at a rate of $13 per hour effective July 20. Tillman voted against hiring of Stockstill and Hickey, because he wanted to see resumes from or meet with the applicants before hiring them, Tillman said.
In a separate matter, the Board approved a change order in relationto the drainage project awarded to Hensley R. Lee Contracting for $385,925 during the Board’s July 2nd meeting. The change will apply to the culvert replacement and associated drainage structure repair as part of phase two of the 2019 Road and Bridge Bond Program.
The change order adds work to replace two culverts and associated grating on Jordan Street and alter the flow of water at the intersection of Cumberland and Main Street.
The Net, a church youth recreation building, deals with water infiltration because of the way water flows at that intersection, said Creel. A house on Jordan Street also floods due to drainage problems on Jordan Street, Creel said.
In other business the Board:
—Authorized adding Dillan Kleyle and Mike Barnes to the official volunteer firefighter roster.
—Rescinded the hiring of full time police officer Edgar Chester Hall IV, because he did not accept the job offer.
—Approved a request from Greg Holcomb of the Poplarville Chamber of Commerce to show a family friendly movie in City Square Park on August 2.
—Authorized the event “Fundraiser for Teen Challenge” in City Park Gazebo on September 20, as long as proof of liability insurance is acquired.